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Your Wellbeing Matters
Could AI ignite the more human-centric side of the legal profession?
About the Home Buying and Selling Group
LawCare publishes new factsheet on sexual harassment
Get your practice rights. Start your firm. Could 2022 be the year to take your career to the next level?
Emotion is involved in all aspects of legal practice
Regulation: helping you perform at your professional best
Be kind to your mind
CILEx Regulation opens door to alternative business structures
Working together to combat crime: regulators and law enforcement
Legal tech: standards for the lawyers of the future
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Becoming a Chartered Legal Executive Advocate

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A career in law: aspirations and achievements

Emma Johnson, Chartered Legal Executive Advocate, shares details of her CILEx distance-learning studies, Advocacy training, and what's next for her career...

Can legal professionals keep up with changing consumer demands?

Caroline Wallace, Strategy Director at the Legal Services Board, talks to Regulation Matters about consumer-facing issues and what will be expected of legal professionals and legal regulation of the future.

Turning the tables: Ending sexual harassment at work

Elizabeth Prochaska from the Equality & Human Rights Commission gives guidance and recommendations for victims and employers in relation to sexual harassment in the workplace.

Changing the face of law

Chris Bones, Executive Chair of the CILEx Group, wants to change the face of law for the public and to ensure an accessible route into the profession. Discover his other plans and ambitions for the organisation.

Calling all aspiring legal practitioners!

There’s now a new way to achieve more from your Fellowship application. See how you can save money and gain independent Probate Practice Rights and Fellowship through ONE application.

Moving conveyancing into the 21st century

Eddie Goldsmith, chairman of the Conveyancing Association, discusses the Department for Communities and Local Government's recent Call for Evidence on improving the home buying and selling process in the UK.

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Legal Ombudsman: Coming soon...

Rob Powell, Chief Executive Officer at the Legal Ombudsman, reveals details of LeO's 2018-2022 Business Plan and explains his main focus for the coming years.

The SRA on why #diversitymatters

The Solicitors Regulation Authority published its latest diversity data figures in January 2018. Based on those findings, Executive Director Jane Malcolm discusses how the legal profession's make-up is changing, upcoming diversity events, and the SRA's top tips for promoting diversity within law firms.

LinkedIn: From Links 2 Leads

Rachel Tombs, solicitor for 15 years and founder of legal-marketing and business-development consultancy Links2Leads, gives law firms the "dos and don'ts" for engaging with clients and consumers using social media.

The LSB and the wider legal sector

Helen Whiteman, CEO of CILEx Regulation, talks to Helen Phillips, Interim Chair of the Legal Services Board, about how the LSB's work impacts legal regulators, practitioners and consumers.

Independent and impartial advice for the legal sector

Helen Whiteman interviews Chair of the Office for Legal Complaints, Wanda Goldwag, to find out about the work of the OLC and how far it has progressed with a "root-and-branch" review of the complaints process at the Legal Ombudsman.

Criminal Practice Rights: Getting you ready for trial

Sarah Phippen qualified as a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Legal Executives in 2012. She discusses the CILEx Regulation's Criminal Practice Rights Course with Regulation Matters.


LawCare is dedicated to promoting and supporting good mental health and wellbeing in the legal community. Its CEO, Elizabeth Rimmer, tells Regulation Matters all about the charity and its involvement in World Mental Health Day.

Practice Rights can benefit you, your practice and your clients

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If you’re unsure of how “planned activities”, “unplanned activities” and “professionalism” can count towards your outcomes-based CPD, Helen Whiting, CILEx Regulation’s Practitioner Authorisation and Supervision Manager, and Danielle Ingle, Practitioner Officer can help.

Your journey to Fellowship

Angela Tyrrell became a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Legal Executives in July 2017. Here she tells CILEx Regulation about her path to Fellowship.


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Just a reminder if you haven't already, please complete your annual prior conduct declaration through your myCILEx…


What do you need to do to become a Chartered Legal Executive? This video guide outlines all you need to know in ord…


Open Consultation - CILEx Regulation Transparency Rules extension consultation – for those of you working in immigr…


RT @LawTrainingKent: #CILEx students! The September 2022 CILEx Level 3 and Level 6 #examinations will be delivered online? You can check t…


RT @BrightlinkLearn: Last call for @CILEx lawyers wishing to book onto this week’s workshops. Tomorrow level 3 to 6 transition, Thursday or…


You are not alone - find a group of like-minded individuals to build your network and share experiences…


How has COVID-19 impacted you? CILEx Members please complete our short survey today to ensure that your voice is he…


RT @LawSocNorthWest: Take a look at all of our #LegalPride2022 content including podcasts, videos and Q&As ➡ We'll…


RT @LSB_EngandWal: ‘Lawtech, regulation and protecting consumers’ - In this article for Modern Law Magazine, our Regulatory Policy Manager…


Open Consultation - CILEx Regulation Transparency Rules extension consultation – for those of you working in immigr…

From the CEO's Desk

£255 each year is the estimated cost of the impact of money laundering to every household in the UK. CILEx Regulation's CEO Helen Whiteman explains how it intends to protect the regulated community and the public from the criminal activity.

It's hard to believe that it has been a whole year since we last celebrated and promoted Mental Health Awareness Week. It runs from 13 May this year and many individuals and organisations are getting involved with events and activities across the UK. The theme is body image; how we think and feel about our bodies. Helen Whiteman, CEO of CILEx Regulation, shares her thoughts.